Is ‘Worst Case Scenario’ by dEUS the most important album in Belpop history? We dare to say it is. Not only did Barman and his band immediately catapult to an international career with their debut, but it also made them the country’s biggest rock band overnight. Listen to Worst Case Scenario today, and it feels like you’re hearing the blueprint of Belgian alternative rock. It hasn’t lost an ounce of urgency and is so influential that it seems as if every Belgian indie band has a shot of WCS coursing through their veins. Worst Case Scenario is untamably wild, breathtakingly beautiful, intensely thrilling, and blisteringly loud—sometimes all at once. Pinning dEUS down to a single album does the band an injustice, as every fan has their favorite record. Yet, rarely has a band so clearly showcased their potential for the coming decades on a debut. Beyond the monster hit ‘Suds & Soda’—arguably the quintessential dEUS track—the album also reveals the full range of what a dEUS hit can be with tracks like ‘Hotellounge’ and ‘Via’. The love between Cactusfestival and dEUS runs deep. After performing ‘The Ideal Crash’ in full at the festival in 2019, the band will return in 2025 with their essential debut album, complemented by a selection of classics. A dream of a headliner in the Lake of Love! |